About Me

My best halloween costume to date

My best halloween costume to date

Hello, my name is Brennan. I’m a Colorado Native, University of Colorado Boulder student, and music nerd. Since I got my first lego set for Christmas, the enjoyment of creating and building whether it be Legos, Python code, metal music with my friends, it’s what drives my curiousity. Ever since I discovered the Internet I’ve built computers, explored game design engines, and modeled environments within Cinema4D. Since then, I’ve begun studying at CU with an Information Science (BS) and a Cert. in Music Technology.

When I first discovered Hugo, I was amazed that I could make a free website, but also intrigued with the backend development. This is all new to me, not to mention Github and open source work in general. But, that’s the point, to learn. So I figured, why not make a personal website that can serve as a personal project, portfolio, and learning journal.